This post is not written by me, but a dear friend who adopts the same way of seeing things from its core. Although I discovered this intelligent link between repressed thoughts, and emotions created by our fears to face it, and their effect on our emotional, and physical health. I couldn't put it in a such amazing theory like he did I put a link to his Facebook page for more brilliant insights at the end of the post. It simply summarize the missing link we all suffer, how we can get physically ill, by thoughts we don't give it the right attention, or not giving attention to what thoughts infiltrated in our mind, which when not taken care of, can be an origin of a disease.
is something about the sub conscious mind that I have recently come to
understand. Something that effects you emotions and your health
depending on how much thoughts you fill it with.
Basically it's
like this. If there's something really important to you that you have
been wanting to do for a long time, but haven't been able to get it
done, and if you've spent time every day thinking about it more than
almost anything else, than that idea or that thought will be absorbed by
your sub conscious mind. What I've come to learn about the sub
conscious mind is that whatever you think about daily, no matter what it
is, if it's the one thing that you've put the most thought into, than
your sub conscious mind will absorb that idea first, before it absorbs
anything else. After it absorbs it, it will retain it, until you finally
accomplish what you want to do with it. The longer you wait to
eliminate that thought from your mind, by doing what you have been
wanting to do, the more and more it will begin to effect your body,
starting with your emotions.
On the emotional level, no matter
what thought you've been placing into your sub conscious, it will always
take a negative effect if you still haven't achieved what you want to
with it. It's never positive, always negative. So if you've been wanting
to take your son to a baseball game, but you've been putting it off
over and over again, though always thinking about it "in the back of
your mind", than what will happen is that your emotions will start to be
attacked, literally, by your sub conscious mind, and it will make you
start to feel depressed, even though your conscious mind will not
completely understand why, and may not even recognize what is happening.
This is why I've learned that it is so important to ALWAYS be
completely aware of the thoughts and ideas that you are focusing on
daily, because what we don't always seem to understand, is that every
single thought we have is recorded by our minds, sub consciously, with
the things we give the most thought to always causing us the most
problems if we don't take care of them immediately. This is something
that I don't think we are being told enough by doctors, psychologists,
etc. They are not taking enough time to study, and understand, how the
sub conscious mind really works.
If the thought or idea remains
in your sub conscious mind for too long, because you've either chosen
not to take care of it, or do what you've been thinking about, what is
within your ability to do, than what will eventually happen is that the
sub conscious mind will move from attacking your body on an emotional
level, either through depression, anxiety, anger, etc. (always
negative), and will then move to start attacking your body on a physical
level as well (through illness, sickness, weakness, pain, lethargy,
etc.) When that idea is left untouched, and remains in the sub conscious
mind for too long, it will undoubtedly always effect your body
physically eventually, and always in a way that is unhealthy, and
negative. This is also something that we are not being told enough about
by the so called "medical professionals" of today.
Now after
understanding this, and realizing this, we are left with one simple
question. How much is REALLY known about the sub conscious mind by the
scientific community out there in the world today?That's the first
question. The second question is, if there is a great deal of
information and private study that has been done within the scientific
community on the effects of the sub conscious mind related to our
emotions, and our physical bodies, than why haven't we been given this
information by those people who claim to be there to help us understand
more about our bodies and more about how to take care of our physical
health? This is what we, as Human Beings, need to start asking
ourselves. How come in so many cases with so many people do we always
hear the saying, "There's not enough time in the day." That's directly
related to how the sub conscious mind is effecting you emotionally,
because when you feel that way, what your sub conscious mind is really
trying to tell you, "Get this thought out of me! Please!" And when we
don't do that, that is when things start to go south. Or how about when
someone looks really sad and you ask them what's wrong and they say
"I've just got a lot on my mind. A lot of things I need to take care
of." What is really happening to someone when they say that to you? Is
that just a saying? Or is there an actual, emotional and physical
process taking place in real time, with real consequences to a person's
health, just by storing up too many thoughts and ideas in the sub
conscious mind about "what needs to be done." These are all things that
we Human Beings need to start understanding about ourselves, because
someone or some group has not been giving us the information that we
need to know about ourselves, and have been keeping it TO THEMSELVES, on
purpose, in order to use it against us.
So now that we
understand at least a little bit about how the sub conscious mind is
VERY REAL, and how it may even be one of the number one causes of
people's mental health problems today, now we can begin to ask ourselves
how we can go about fixing or "healing" this problem, before it gets
too far out of hand. Well, what I propose, is a very simple remedy, that
can be done by anyone, at any time, and must be done, if we are ever to
release some of the pressure that builds up in our sub conscious,
constantly attacking our bodies daily, until our emotions, and our
physical health, becomes effected in a major way. What I propose is
this. We need to start "cleaning" our sub conscious minds as much as
possible. The same way that you would clean out your bedroom after it
gets filled with junk and dirty clothes. Or the same way that you would
clean out your cars oil every so often, otherwise your car will start to
experience major problems with it's performance, etc. This is what we
need to start doing, on a daily basis, and EVERYONE needs to start doing
it, so that we can be healthier and happier, all around. The best way
that I have found to do this, is to separate your thoughts that have
cluttered up your sub conscious mind, the ideas, the desires, the wants
and needs that you have filled it up with, and start focusing on each of
those thoughts, one by one, until you accomplish them, or achieve them,
and release them from your sub conscious minds completely. Not only
will this make you feel better emotionally, but you will also experience
major physical health benefits by doing this as well. All it takes is
focusing on one thought at a time, each one of those ideas or purposes
that you have set forth for yourself, but haven't taken care of yet, by
setting aside the proper time to get to them, and by successfully
eliminating each one of them as you finally take care of them one by
one. That, at least to my current understanding, seems to be the best
method for sweeping out your sub conscious mind, before it really starts
to effect your health on all levels. This is very serious though,
because if not done, those ideas and thoughts will just continue to
build and build and build, until you get that feeling that you are about
to have a nervous breakdown. Never a good thing at all.
other thing that the sub conscious mind can do as well, is produce
nightmares, or bad dreams, or a feeling of uneasiness after you wake up
in the morning, by showing you what you still haven't achieved yet, and
by actually giving you a negative dream so that you will remember that
you still haven't cleaned that thought or idea from your mind yet. The
sub conscious mind is capable of doing many things to your body, most of
them all negative, from what I have come to understand, and dreams are
definitely one of the many things that it can produce as a symptom for
your mind to be able to remember that the "storehouse is overflowing",
and needs to be cleaned out immediately.
As mentioned before,
it doesn't look like the scientific community for whatever reason, wants
people to understand a lot about how our sub conscious mind effects our
bodies in terms of emotions, health, sleeping patterns, etc. The main
reason for this, that I have currently been able to grasp, is that at
the very least, if people were to begin to understand how to clean out
their sub conscious minds for themselves, than they just might not need
to rely on medications to help with their emotional and physical
problems that can and do definitely result from overloading your sub
conscious mind with tasks and ideas and thoughts that haven't been done
away with yet, because you haven't had the experience of actually doing
them. Once you do, those thoughts should disappear from your sub
conscious mind all on their own. Just by finally getting to them. The
other thing is to always be aware of every one of your thoughts BEFORE
they are allowed to enter into your sub conscious mind, so that you can
pick and choose which ones you are going to place in there. "